I know, I'm so behind. In my defense, I had the flu from 'the place that shall remain nameless'! I was so stinkin' sick. So, I'm going to jump in right where I left off.
Day 20 - Favorite Kiss
Um, I don't read a lot of 'kissin' books'. I'm more the murder and mayhem type. Werd. Did Bella and Jacob ever kiss? They should have - if they did then I pick that one! LOL If they didn't then the only other kiss I can think of in recent memory (and it's not that recent at all!) would be Louis and Claudia in Interview with the Vampire.
I guess I need to read more kissin' books!
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
This book includes:
A Scandal in Bohemia
The Red-Headed League
A Case of Identity
The Boscombe Valley Mystery
The Five Orange Pips
The Man with the Twisted Lip
The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle
The Adventure of the Speckled Band
The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb
The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor
The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet
The Adventure of the Copper Beeches
Picture and description from Goodreads
This picture shows the Kindle version - I read mine on the Kobo and the front didn't look like this - but all the stories are the same.
This was the first free ebook I read. The very first mystery book I ever read (even before Nancy Drew) was "The Hound of the Baskervilles". I've always loved Sherlock Holmes, which is why when this came preloaded on my Kobo I knew I would read it!
My favorite story from the group was The Five Orange Pips.
It took me a little longer to finish than I had originally anticipated, but as always, well worth the read.
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
30 Days of Books - Day 19
30 Days of Books Day 19 Prompt
Favorite Book Cover
This is from a book I haven't read yet, but it's on my TBR list. It's the cover that grabbed me at the library. Sometimes it really is all in the packaging!
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Favorite Book Cover
This is from a book I haven't read yet, but it's on my TBR list. It's the cover that grabbed me at the library. Sometimes it really is all in the packaging!
Image courtesy of GoodReads
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Monday, February 21, 2011
My Borders Trip
Yesterday before I got too sick, I managed to head over to our local Borders. Actually, Waldenbooks, but it's the same thing.
As you may know, I got a Kobo for Christmas, and I am completely in love with that thing. I love how easy it is to carry. I love the fact that there are 100's of books on there, so if I finish one there's always another one I can start. But sometimes, I miss holding a book. I miss the smell of the pages. So honestly, I don't know if I'll ever be able to give up printed books altogether.
Anyway, there were shelves and shelves of hardback book (my absolute favorite!) on sale for $5.99. eep! Plus my 10% rewards - oh yeah, you knew I would be all over that!
I managed to find some books I wanted, and some I probably wouldn't have gotten if they hadn't been so inexpensive. My haul from Borders yesterday -
The Wheel of Darkness by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
Undead and Uneasy by Mary Janice Davidson
Fractured by Karin Slaughter
Made in the U.S.A by Billie Letts
In the Still of the Night by Ann Rule (ok, I paid full price for that one)
The Monster of Florence by Douglas Preston with Mario Spezi
I also picked up a new Big Nate book for the boy. I paid full price for that one too.
I better stay out of that store for a while or I'll go broke saving money!
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
As you may know, I got a Kobo for Christmas, and I am completely in love with that thing. I love how easy it is to carry. I love the fact that there are 100's of books on there, so if I finish one there's always another one I can start. But sometimes, I miss holding a book. I miss the smell of the pages. So honestly, I don't know if I'll ever be able to give up printed books altogether.
Anyway, there were shelves and shelves of hardback book (my absolute favorite!) on sale for $5.99. eep! Plus my 10% rewards - oh yeah, you knew I would be all over that!
I managed to find some books I wanted, and some I probably wouldn't have gotten if they hadn't been so inexpensive. My haul from Borders yesterday -
The Wheel of Darkness by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
Undead and Uneasy by Mary Janice Davidson
Fractured by Karin Slaughter
Made in the U.S.A by Billie Letts
In the Still of the Night by Ann Rule (ok, I paid full price for that one)
The Monster of Florence by Douglas Preston with Mario Spezi
I also picked up a new Big Nate book for the boy. I paid full price for that one too.
I better stay out of that store for a while or I'll go broke saving money!
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
30 Days of Books - Day 18
30 Days of Books
Day 18 Prompt
Favorite beginning scene of a book
"Where's Papa going with that ax?" said Fern to her mother as they were setting the table for breakfast.
And so begins one of the best books I've ever read.
Charlotte's Web by E.B. White
When I was homeschooling Zach we did this as a read aloud and he really enjoyed it.
![]() |
Image Courtesy of GoodReads |
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Sunday, February 20, 2011
30 Days of Books - Day 17
Favorite story or collection of stories.
Hmm another tricky one for me. I'm not known to read collections of short stories. I did happen upon one around October though on the 'monthly reads' shelf at the library. It was a collection of paranormalish short stories edited by Charlaine Harris titled Crimes by Moonlight. It was one of my random grabs that made me glad I grabbed it. They don't always turn out that way ya know!
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Hmm another tricky one for me. I'm not known to read collections of short stories. I did happen upon one around October though on the 'monthly reads' shelf at the library. It was a collection of paranormalish short stories edited by Charlaine Harris titled Crimes by Moonlight. It was one of my random grabs that made me glad I grabbed it. They don't always turn out that way ya know!
Image from GoodReads
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Saturday, February 19, 2011
30 Days of Books - Day 16
Another easy one for me! Yay! I love these.
Favorite poem or collection of poetry. I'm not a deep person. No fancy poems for me. My all time favorite collection of poetry is Where the Sidewalk Ends, by Shel Silverstein. Honestly, who can't get behind these awesome poems?
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Favorite poem or collection of poetry. I'm not a deep person. No fancy poems for me. My all time favorite collection of poetry is Where the Sidewalk Ends, by Shel Silverstein. Honestly, who can't get behind these awesome poems?
Image from GoodReads
Friday, February 18, 2011
30 Days of Books - Day 15
My comfort book
Chicken Soup for the Military Wife's Soul. It was given to me the day I retired by a dear friend and I have definitely delved into that thing more than once. I've never read it cover to cover, but it is an awesome book to have even when your other half is not deployed.
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Chicken Soup for the Military Wife's Soul. It was given to me the day I retired by a dear friend and I have definitely delved into that thing more than once. I've never read it cover to cover, but it is an awesome book to have even when your other half is not deployed.
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Thursday, February 17, 2011
30 Days of Books - Day 14
Happy Birthday to My Zach Man!
Favorite Character in a Book.
Hmm I have so many. Mary Ingalls, Cotton Malone, Jacob, which one to choose. I think my favorite though is Temperance Brennan. You may recognize her as 'Bones' from the TV series, which is based on the books by Kathy Reichs. I love the TV series, but I love the books more! By no means is this image of my favorite Kathy Reichs book, but for sure it's one worth reading.
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Favorite Character in a Book.
Hmm I have so many. Mary Ingalls, Cotton Malone, Jacob, which one to choose. I think my favorite though is Temperance Brennan. You may recognize her as 'Bones' from the TV series, which is based on the books by Kathy Reichs. I love the TV series, but I love the books more! By no means is this image of my favorite Kathy Reichs book, but for sure it's one worth reading.
Image from GoodReads
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Book Lovers! I need suggestions!
I'm looking for any non-fiction, non-reference books about life in prison. I have to write a paper and need two that I can compare.
If any of you have read or can recommend any books I would be so grateful!
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
If any of you have read or can recommend any books I would be so grateful!
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
30 Days of Books - Day 13
Today - Favorite childhood book OR current YA favorite (or both)
I love when there are prompts I don't have to think about too much. My favorite childhood book, hands down, Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak.
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
I love when there are prompts I don't have to think about too much. My favorite childhood book, hands down, Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak.
Image from GoodReads
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
30 Days of Books - Day 12
Today's topic - A book you've read more than 5 times.
Um, wow. Sadly, I don't think I've ever read a book more than five times by choice! I don't usually re-read books, which is why I'm a huge fan of the library.
Now, if we are counting books I've read to my son this was one his favorites when he was little -
What Makes a Rainbow by Betty Ann Schwartz. Illustrated by Dona Turner. I've read this book about a thousand times and it's still on our library shelf. I'm not allowed to get rid of it!
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Um, wow. Sadly, I don't think I've ever read a book more than five times by choice! I don't usually re-read books, which is why I'm a huge fan of the library.
Now, if we are counting books I've read to my son this was one his favorites when he was little -
Image from GoodReads
What Makes a Rainbow by Betty Ann Schwartz. Illustrated by Dona Turner. I've read this book about a thousand times and it's still on our library shelf. I'm not allowed to get rid of it!
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Monday, February 14, 2011
30 Days of Books - Day 11
Happy Valentines Day!
I wrote this once in my free time and then decided to hit "post" instead of scheduling it. So, if you thought you've seen it before maybe you have. I deleted it pretty quickly though, so hopefully that didn't happen!
Today's prompt: A book that disappointed you.
It would have to be the Tippy Toe Murder by Leslie Meier. Normally I love her books, but for some reason this one didn't flow for me. It seemed a little choppy and that maybe there were too many things going on at once. I wouldn't say never read it. If you like 'cozy' mysteries, it's still a good bet.
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
I wrote this once in my free time and then decided to hit "post" instead of scheduling it. So, if you thought you've seen it before maybe you have. I deleted it pretty quickly though, so hopefully that didn't happen!
Today's prompt: A book that disappointed you.
It would have to be the Tippy Toe Murder by Leslie Meier. Normally I love her books, but for some reason this one didn't flow for me. It seemed a little choppy and that maybe there were too many things going on at once. I wouldn't say never read it. If you like 'cozy' mysteries, it's still a good bet.
Image from GoodReads
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Sunday, February 13, 2011
30 Days of Books - Day 10
Prompt for the day -
A book you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. My best friend was MAD about HP and I honestly didn't get it. "What's the big deal about a book about wizards and witches?" So, while we were in Iceland she loaned me the book. I read it in one or two days. The same with all the others. I managed to read all of them except for the last one in the three months I was there.
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
A book you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. My best friend was MAD about HP and I honestly didn't get it. "What's the big deal about a book about wizards and witches?" So, while we were in Iceland she loaned me the book. I read it in one or two days. The same with all the others. I managed to read all of them except for the last one in the three months I was there.
![]() |
Image from goodreads.com |
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
I'm Addicted
I know, I said my last reading challenge would be my last for the year. I lied.
Today I found this one hosted by the Unread Reader where you have to read at least 12 FREE ebooks during the year.
I figured I could do this. After all, my Kobo came loaded with tons of free books, most of which I've never read. Think about that because they are classics. Sad, huh? Plus I've been lucky enough to find three ebooks already on Borders that are current and free. They are not books I would have normally picked so I think it's cool that my Kobo is expanding my reading horizons.
This challenge has three levels and I'm choosing Coupon Clipper, which is read 12 free eBooks in the year. Some of those classics are pretty long!
Oh, and who can resist a challenge with this cute pig button? Really?

I just signed up today so I know the link is still open for anyone who is interested.
Here are the three books I found for free at Borders. I normally don't pre-list my books, but I figured with these I could. Helps keep me straight, know what I mean?
1. The Goddess of Fried Okra
2. Dancing in the Lowcountry
3. Raising the Dead
The cute piggy and my book list can be found on my reading challenges page.
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Today I found this one hosted by the Unread Reader where you have to read at least 12 FREE ebooks during the year.
I figured I could do this. After all, my Kobo came loaded with tons of free books, most of which I've never read. Think about that because they are classics. Sad, huh? Plus I've been lucky enough to find three ebooks already on Borders that are current and free. They are not books I would have normally picked so I think it's cool that my Kobo is expanding my reading horizons.
This challenge has three levels and I'm choosing Coupon Clipper, which is read 12 free eBooks in the year. Some of those classics are pretty long!
Oh, and who can resist a challenge with this cute pig button? Really?

I just signed up today so I know the link is still open for anyone who is interested.
Here are the three books I found for free at Borders. I normally don't pre-list my books, but I figured with these I could. Helps keep me straight, know what I mean?
1. The Goddess of Fried Okra
2. Dancing in the Lowcountry
3. Raising the Dead
The cute piggy and my book list can be found on my reading challenges page.
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Saturday, February 12, 2011
30 Days of Books - Day 9
Todays topic - Best Scene Ever
As I go through the little movie in my head of books and see the snapshots of what I imagined certain scenes to look like it always comes back to this one:
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
As I go through the little movie in my head of books and see the snapshots of what I imagined certain scenes to look like it always comes back to this one:
When the small band of (kind of) good guys figure out the secret that the Templars had been protecting for centuries.
(Obviously from Templar Legacy by Steve Berry)
I hate to give stuff away - but the whole section leading up to this part rocks too!
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Friday, February 11, 2011
30 Days of Books - Day 8
I still feel weird that I missed a day - but I resisted the urge to post two days in one. It was hard - believe me!!
Today's prompt - A book everyone should read at least once.
This is an easy one for me but I have two of them.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. I read this book over a year ago and I still remember most of it like I just put it down. For me that's saying a lot!
The second is The Templar Legacy by Steve Berry. It was one of the first Berry books I read. If you are not open to some liberal interpretation about Christianity this may not be a good choice for you, but if you like having your belief system pushed a little then by all means, pick this up and read it - it will make you think. Well, at least it did for me.
Sorry I don't have links or pictures today. I've been hanging out with very sick little man the last few days and I'm wiped out!
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Today's prompt - A book everyone should read at least once.
This is an easy one for me but I have two of them.
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. I read this book over a year ago and I still remember most of it like I just put it down. For me that's saying a lot!
The second is The Templar Legacy by Steve Berry. It was one of the first Berry books I read. If you are not open to some liberal interpretation about Christianity this may not be a good choice for you, but if you like having your belief system pushed a little then by all means, pick this up and read it - it will make you think. Well, at least it did for me.
Sorry I don't have links or pictures today. I've been hanging out with very sick little man the last few days and I'm wiped out!
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Friday Book Blog Hops
Time for the Friday Book Blog hops! The first one is Follow Friday hosted by Parajunkee's Views

The question this week -
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown

The question this week -
What is your favorite romance hero-type? Stereotype wise. Do you like the strong silent type or the brute macho man?
For reading I like the brute macho man type. I can't stand those wishy washy crying guys - blech!
The second is Book Blogger Hop hosted by Crazy-for-Books
For today - "Tell us about one of your posts from this week and give us a link so we can read it (review or otherwise)!"
I've been participating in a 30 days of books challenge with my bloggy friend Just a Geek Named Jess so I'm going to link to this post - 30 Days of Books Day 4
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Another Reading Challenge
Yes, I found another reading challenge that completely caught my interest! I know, I have an addiction to reading challenges. Is there a 12 step program for that?
Anyway, it's hosted by The Thoughts of a Book Junky and the rules are pretty simple - read a book that starts with every letter of the alphabet in 2011.
Since I'm planning on reading 100 books I should be able to choose 26 that have different letters, right?
Now that I have three challenges going, I'm going to add another page to track them all. It may or may not make my life easier!
And before anyone says it - I know, three posts in one day. Can you tell I'm trying to avoid writing my English paper?!!
Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Anyway, it's hosted by The Thoughts of a Book Junky and the rules are pretty simple - read a book that starts with every letter of the alphabet in 2011.
Since I'm planning on reading 100 books I should be able to choose 26 that have different letters, right?
Now that I have three challenges going, I'm going to add another page to track them all. It may or may not make my life easier!
And before anyone says it - I know, three posts in one day. Can you tell I'm trying to avoid writing my English paper?!!
Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
Well, I finally finished it! I feel like I've been reading this book forever - not because it was extremely long or boring (because it wasn't boring) but because school interfered with my reading more than I had anticipated!
So, without further ado - here are my thoughts on The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
I actually enjoyed this book. Don't get me wrong, it was long - but it was still worth the read.
I read this book on my Kobo, which kept me updated on how much of it I had read (25% or whatever), so I always had a general idea of how much more I had to read.
Without giving too much away, because I hate when people do that, I was really surprised at one particular point, and it seemed like that should be the end - but it wasn't. The actual end left me feeling a little disappointed.
Would I read this book again? Probably not - I rarely re-read anything. It's just not in my nature. Am I planning on reading the next two books in this trilogy? The jury's still out on that one. Perhaps not right away, but I may put them on my want to read list sooner or later.
Up next on my Kobo is "The Goddess of Fried Okra" but I think I may swing by the library and hit up one of my quick 'cozy mysteries' first!
Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
So, without further ado - here are my thoughts on The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
I actually enjoyed this book. Don't get me wrong, it was long - but it was still worth the read.
I read this book on my Kobo, which kept me updated on how much of it I had read (25% or whatever), so I always had a general idea of how much more I had to read.
Without giving too much away, because I hate when people do that, I was really surprised at one particular point, and it seemed like that should be the end - but it wasn't. The actual end left me feeling a little disappointed.
Would I read this book again? Probably not - I rarely re-read anything. It's just not in my nature. Am I planning on reading the next two books in this trilogy? The jury's still out on that one. Perhaps not right away, but I may put them on my want to read list sooner or later.
Up next on my Kobo is "The Goddess of Fried Okra" but I think I may swing by the library and hit up one of my quick 'cozy mysteries' first!
Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
30 Days of Books - Day 7
Least favorite plot device employed by way too many books you actually enjoyed otherwise.
Love triangles - annoying. We all know guy one loves girl and visa versa. Quit using it! It no longer makes the books enjoyable.
My other one is the killing of some random person that has nothing to do with the actual plot. I'm not sure why authors use this, maybe to throw the reader off - and sometimes it does - but it still bothers the crap out of me.
Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Love triangles - annoying. We all know guy one loves girl and visa versa. Quit using it! It no longer makes the books enjoyable.
My other one is the killing of some random person that has nothing to do with the actual plot. I'm not sure why authors use this, maybe to throw the reader off - and sometimes it does - but it still bothers the crap out of me.
Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
30 Days of Books - Day 6
Well, I guess now I'm doing 31 Days of Books since I missed yesterday. I guess I seriously underestimated school work. I'll try to do better ~ promise!
Favorite book from your favorite series OR your favorite book of all time is today's topic.
Well my favorite series of all time is The Little House Books, by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I think my favorite book out of the series is Little House on the Prairie. All the trials of settling in the west always sparked my imagination. It made me want to live back then!
Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Favorite book from your favorite series OR your favorite book of all time is today's topic.
Well my favorite series of all time is The Little House Books, by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I think my favorite book out of the series is Little House on the Prairie. All the trials of settling in the west always sparked my imagination. It made me want to live back then!
Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Monday, February 7, 2011
30 Days of Books - Day 5
Day 5 is a book or series you hate.
I don't like saying I hate books. There are some that I dislike. A lot. But hate? But recently I attempted my first Nicolas Sparks book.The name eludes me - there was a lighthouse on the cover ( just looked it up - True Believer). I think I made it through 3 chapters before I completely gave up. I don't usually just give up either. I will slug my way through and finish, but I just couldn't.
So that book -whatever it was True Believer - would have to be the book I dislike the most. Ever.

*I got this picture from Nicolas Sparks page*
Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
I don't like saying I hate books. There are some that I dislike. A lot. But hate? But recently I attempted my first Nicolas Sparks book.
So that book -

*I got this picture from Nicolas Sparks page*
Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
Sunday, February 6, 2011
30 Days of Books - Day 4
Question of the day - what is your favorite book or series?
Finally an easy one! And I'll share both because sadly, they are not the same.
My favorite book is "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. This was another book that I read because I heard so much about it. I'm glad I did! If you haven't read it, please do. I know, you all thought I'd say something by Steve Berry - but honestly, this book touched me in a way no other book ever has.
My favorite series is the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. They always have been and they always will be! I didn't want to be Laura though, like most girls - I wanted to be Mary. Go figure, huh?
Finally an easy one! And I'll share both because sadly, they are not the same.
My favorite book is "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. This was another book that I read because I heard so much about it. I'm glad I did! If you haven't read it, please do. I know, you all thought I'd say something by Steve Berry - but honestly, this book touched me in a way no other book ever has.
My favorite series is the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. They always have been and they always will be! I didn't want to be Laura though, like most girls - I wanted to be Mary. Go figure, huh?
Saturday, February 5, 2011
30 Days of Books - Day 3 & An Update
What was the best book you've read in the last 12 months?
Goodness another toughie for me. I would have to say Wicked Appetite by Janet Evanovich. I know everyone knows her for the whole Stephanie Plum series, but I read this book in one day. When you order pizza and tell the boys dishes and laundry can wait - you know it's a good book!
Where I stand on Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - Since I'm reading this on my Kobo I have no idea how many actual pages it has, let alone which page I'm on! But I can tell you I had some down time (not a ton of homework!) and read for a couple hours and now I'm 85% finished with the book! Fingers crossed that I can finish it this weekend! I would just like to say - "I didn't see that coming". I'll save the rest for my review!
Goodness another toughie for me. I would have to say Wicked Appetite by Janet Evanovich. I know everyone knows her for the whole Stephanie Plum series, but I read this book in one day. When you order pizza and tell the boys dishes and laundry can wait - you know it's a good book!
Where I stand on Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - Since I'm reading this on my Kobo I have no idea how many actual pages it has, let alone which page I'm on! But I can tell you I had some down time (not a ton of homework!) and read for a couple hours and now I'm 85% finished with the book! Fingers crossed that I can finish it this weekend! I would just like to say - "I didn't see that coming". I'll save the rest for my review!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Friday Book Blog Hops
It's Friday which means Book Blogger Hops
The first one I participated in for the first time last week on my WordPress Blog (which is semi gone now). It's hosted by Crazy-For-Books.
Question for this week: What are you reading now and why are you reading it?
I'm reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (on my Kobo) because I'm a follower and I heard so many good things about it that I had to check it out for myself. I'm actually enjoying it, I just wish I had more free time to read it.
The second hop is hosted by Parajunkee and this is my first week participating in this one!
Question: What is the book you are currently 'pushing'?
Actually anything by Steve Berry. I love, love, love him. But if I had to pick just one of his books to actually push it would be The Romanov Prophecy - because Russian History fascinates me and because it's a 'stand alone' book.
A Book a Day - Day 2
Today's topic ~ A Book or Series you wish more people were reading and talking about.
Ooo a tricky one since I usually hear people talking about a series and then decide if I'm going to read it (like the Twilight Books). If my sister hadn't been all "ooo you've got to read these" I probably would have never picked them up. I personally am a huge fan of Steve Berry and his Cotton Malone series. I love how he weaves a real historical mystery into each book and puts his own twist on it. They are not boring history either (for anyone who just went 'eww'!).
Here is Steve Berry's Website. Seriously any of these books are worth picking up!
Grab a book and enjoy some quiet time!
Ooo a tricky one since I usually hear people talking about a series and then decide if I'm going to read it (like the Twilight Books). If my sister hadn't been all "ooo you've got to read these" I probably would have never picked them up. I personally am a huge fan of Steve Berry and his Cotton Malone series. I love how he weaves a real historical mystery into each book and puts his own twist on it. They are not boring history either (for anyone who just went 'eww'!).
Here is Steve Berry's Website. Seriously any of these books are worth picking up!
Grab a book and enjoy some quiet time!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
A Book a Day - Day 1
What series do I wish would come to an end already?
That's easy - The Sookie Stackhouse books by Charlaine Harris. I used to enjoy them, but the last one I picked up just seemed like more of the same old same old - so I quit reading it.
What series do I wish they would have kept going longer?
Another easy one - The Harper Connelly books also by Charlaine Harris. There were so many more things that could have happened with these characters. Here are pictures of the books.
Grab a Book!
That's easy - The Sookie Stackhouse books by Charlaine Harris. I used to enjoy them, but the last one I picked up just seemed like more of the same old same old - so I quit reading it.
What series do I wish they would have kept going longer?
Another easy one - The Harper Connelly books also by Charlaine Harris. There were so many more things that could have happened with these characters. Here are pictures of the books.
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Book 1 |
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Book 3 |
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Book 2 |
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Book 4 |
Grab a Book!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
A Cool Reading Project
My bloggy friend Jess from Just a Geek Named Jess found this reading project and I thought I'd share it with you.
There are 30 days of topics to blog about regarding books. Here they are
Day 01 – A book series you wish had gone on longer OR a book series you wish would just freaking end already (or both!)
Day 02 – A book or series you wish more people were reading and talking about
Day 03 – The best book you’ve read in the last 12 months
Day 04 – Your favorite book or series ever
Day 05 – A book or series you hate
Day 06 – Favorite book of your favorite series OR your favorite book of all time
Day 07 – Least favorite plot device employed by way too many books you actually enjoyed otherwise
Day 08 – A book everyone should read at least once
Day 09 – Best scene ever
Day 10 – A book you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
Day 11 – A book that disappointed you
Day 12 – A book or series of books you’ve read more than five times
Day 13 – Favorite childhood book OR current favorite YA book (or both!)
Day 14 – Favorite character in a book (of any sex or gender)
Day 15 – Your “comfort” book
Day 16 – Favorite poem or collection of poetry
Day 17 – Favorite story or collection of stories (short stories, novellas, novelettes, etc.)
Day 18 – Favorite beginning scene in a book
Day 19 – Favorite book cover (bonus points for posting an image!)
Day 20 – Favorite kiss
Day 21 – Favorite romantic/sexual relationship (including asexual romantic relationships)
Day 22 – Favorite non-sexual relationship (including asexual romantic relationships)
Day 23 – Most annoying character ever
Day 24 – Best quote from a novel
Day 25 – Any five books from your “to be read” stack
Day 26 – OMG WTF? OR most irritating/awful/annoying book ending
Day 27 – If a book contains _____, you will always read it (and a book or books that contain it)!
Day 28 – First favorite book or series obsession
Day 29 – Saddest character death OR best/most satisfying character death (or both!)
Day 30 – What book are you reading right now?
It sounds like fun so I think I might participate. Maybe not every day because honestly, I've probably forgotten more than I've read - but maybe. Usually once I say I'm going to do something I feel guilty if I don't follow through!
Oh and good news she may be starting a monthly blog hop after this! Fingers crossed because that would be awesome!!
There are 30 days of topics to blog about regarding books. Here they are
Day 01 – A book series you wish had gone on longer OR a book series you wish would just freaking end already (or both!)
Day 02 – A book or series you wish more people were reading and talking about
Day 03 – The best book you’ve read in the last 12 months
Day 04 – Your favorite book or series ever
Day 05 – A book or series you hate
Day 06 – Favorite book of your favorite series OR your favorite book of all time
Day 07 – Least favorite plot device employed by way too many books you actually enjoyed otherwise
Day 08 – A book everyone should read at least once
Day 09 – Best scene ever
Day 10 – A book you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
Day 11 – A book that disappointed you
Day 12 – A book or series of books you’ve read more than five times
Day 13 – Favorite childhood book OR current favorite YA book (or both!)
Day 14 – Favorite character in a book (of any sex or gender)
Day 15 – Your “comfort” book
Day 16 – Favorite poem or collection of poetry
Day 17 – Favorite story or collection of stories (short stories, novellas, novelettes, etc.)
Day 18 – Favorite beginning scene in a book
Day 19 – Favorite book cover (bonus points for posting an image!)
Day 20 – Favorite kiss
Day 21 – Favorite romantic/sexual relationship (including asexual romantic relationships)
Day 22 – Favorite non-sexual relationship (including asexual romantic relationships)
Day 23 – Most annoying character ever
Day 24 – Best quote from a novel
Day 25 – Any five books from your “to be read” stack
Day 26 – OMG WTF? OR most irritating/awful/annoying book ending
Day 27 – If a book contains _____, you will always read it (and a book or books that contain it)!
Day 28 – First favorite book or series obsession
Day 29 – Saddest character death OR best/most satisfying character death (or both!)
Day 30 – What book are you reading right now?
It sounds like fun so I think I might participate. Maybe not every day because honestly, I've probably forgotten more than I've read - but maybe. Usually once I say I'm going to do something I feel guilty if I don't follow through!
Oh and good news she may be starting a monthly blog hop after this! Fingers crossed because that would be awesome!!
I tried
I really did.
But I just don't get WordPress. I really don't.
So my reading blog is here now.
Because Blogger is my friend and WordPress is my enemy.
My old posts and stuff are still there
Reading on Planet Caddick
We all know I'm not very original, but that one is going to go away eventually. It may take me a couple weeks to get it all switched over but eventually it will all be here.
The books, the hops, the blogs. All under my one little Blogger log in. Yay!
Thanks for bearing with me and being patient.
Go read something good!
But I just don't get WordPress. I really don't.
So my reading blog is here now.
Because Blogger is my friend and WordPress is my enemy.
My old posts and stuff are still there
Reading on Planet Caddick
We all know I'm not very original, but that one is going to go away eventually. It may take me a couple weeks to get it all switched over but eventually it will all be here.
The books, the hops, the blogs. All under my one little Blogger log in. Yay!
Thanks for bearing with me and being patient.
Go read something good!
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