Saturday, February 5, 2011

30 Days of Books - Day 3 & An Update

What was the best book you've read in the last 12 months?

Goodness another toughie for me.  I would have to say Wicked Appetite by Janet Evanovich.  I know everyone knows her for the whole Stephanie Plum series, but I read this book in one day.  When you order pizza and tell the boys dishes and laundry can wait - you know it's a good book!

Where I stand on Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - Since I'm reading this on my Kobo I have no idea how many actual pages it has, let alone which page I'm on!  But I can tell you I had some down time (not a ton of homework!) and read for a couple hours and now I'm 85% finished with the book!  Fingers crossed that I can finish it this weekend!  I would just like to say - "I didn't see that coming".  I'll save the rest for my review!
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