Thursday, February 10, 2011

Another Reading Challenge

Yes, I found another reading challenge that completely caught my interest!  I know, I have an addiction to reading challenges.  Is there a 12 step program for that?

Anyway, it's hosted by The Thoughts of a Book Junky and the rules are pretty simple - read a book that starts with every letter of the alphabet in 2011.

Since I'm planning on reading 100 books I should be able to choose 26 that have different letters, right?

Now that I have three challenges going, I'm going to add another page to track them all.  It may or may not make my life easier!

And before anyone says it - I know, three posts in one day.  Can you tell I'm trying to avoid writing my English paper?!!

Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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