Wednesday, July 20, 2011

~Book Review~ A Witch in Time

Who and what: A Witch in Time by Madelyn Alt; Hardcover Edition; ISBN 978-0-425-23261-3 (A Bewitching Mystery #6)

What it's about: Stony Mill, Indiana's newest witch, Maggie O'Neill, has been attached at the hip to the smoking-hot Marcus Quinn. Things couldn't get any better- until her sister Mel gives birth to not one, but two babies... 

Maggie's visiting Mel in the hospital when a whispered conversation in a cafeteria sends chills down her spine. She can't make out what they're saying, but Maggie knows malice when she hears it. The next night, death visits the hospital...twice. Nobody bats an eye, but Maggie knows something sinister is haunting the hospital. Now she'll need help if she's going to tie two murders to one killer. (goodreads)

What I thought: I've been interested in reading this series for a while - I'm way more partial to witches and such rather than vampires. I can't explain that - I like vampires, I just like witches more. Anyway...I had trouble getting into this book. I think it was more because there were a lot of references to things that happened in books past that impact things that happen here. I knew I was reading them out of order; sometimes it doesn't matter - but this time it did. Also I would have liked more actual witchcraft! LOL What can I say? I probably won't read any of the other books though.

Would I recommend? I hate to say this - but no, I wouldn't. The book as a whole just didn't flow all that well, in my opionion.

Where I got it: De Bibliotheek 

Challenges this book counts towards: 100 Books in a Year

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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