Sunday, July 3, 2011

~Book Review~ Naughty Neighbor

Who and What: Naughty Neighbor by Janet Evanovich; Paperback (Large Print) Edition; ISBN 978-0-06-147440-8

What it's about: Louisa Brannigan's neighbor is a handsome hell-raiser—and he's driving Louisa crazy. He makes terrible coffee, steals her newspaper, and listens through her walls. But when she's fired from her government job, Louisa is persuaded to join his undercover investigation. Sneaking around in the shadows is more fun than she ever imagined, especially when the getaway car is a Porsche.

Pete Streeter never figured on finding such an attractive partner in crime. Louisa is all he ever wanted in a woman, and more. But once he's taught her to enjoy living on the edge, will she finally feel safe in his love? (goodreads)

What I thought: This book felt more like a novella. It was 200 (large print) pages of fun! I picked it because I was looking for smallish books from the library - and it ended up not being a bad pick. I would consider it a perfect beach read!

Would I recommend it: Yes. It's not deep, but it's extremely readable.

Where I got it: The Library

Challenges this book counts towards: 100 Books in a Year Challenge; A to Z Reading Challenge

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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