Friday, July 1, 2011

~Book Review~ Holes

Who and What: Holes by Louis Sachar; Hardcover Edition; ISBN 0-374-33265-7

What it's about: (goodreadsStanley Yelnats is unjustly sent to Camp Green Lake where he and other boys are sentenced to dig holes to build character. Stanley learns the warden has them digging holes for something else- but what?

What I thought: OMG - have you read this book? O.K. probably but I couldn't put this thing down. I read it in one night! It was just a very well written, interesting book. I completely enjoyed it.

Where I got it: My home away from home - The Sumter County Library

Would I recommend it: Yes. I actually think Zach might like this one - so after he's done with his summer reading project I'm going to have him read it.

Challenges this book counts toward: 100 Books in a Year; 2011 Support Your Local Library Challenge; 

*this book also appears on the 100 Books List at #83*

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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