Tuesday, June 14, 2011

PBS Books

Oh my - I got a lot of books from Paperback Swap this week. I've had to move stuff around on my bookshelves and try to make room for all the books I've been collecting lately!

I ordered this one because it's not at my library. I'm determined to finish the series!

Another one I couldn't get at my library. I'm not opposed to inter library loans, but if the only book any branch has is a paperback, I'd rather use a credit and get a hardcover!

I have the three before this one checked out from the library and honestly, I didn't want to have to wait for this one. Sometimes I'm like that....

Why am I so excited about a book of Anthologies of Medicine in Literature? Definitely not my normal fare - but it is a book I need for my fall English Class! Yep - I'm so thrilled that this is one book I didn't have to fork out big bucks for. Now if I get my other wish-listed text books by the time class starts I'll be super happy!

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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