Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lists and an Author Comment

Normally today would be my PBS Book day - but I haven't received anything, because I haven't requested anything. Except for another book for my fall class - but that was just yesterday.

I don't know what came over me, but I've been making lists. Lists of the books I have, books on my Kobo (and if they were free), lists of the 1051 Books I have to read before I die. It's been list mania here! Maybe I'm getting burned out on reading because I've been doing it so much - trying to squeeze in as much as I can before I start the next semester in school. Who knows? But I think I've finally made every book related list I can think of - for now.

Last week, I wrote a review on the book TimeRiders. Anyone who's read my reviews knows I'm not a professional reviewer - I do it to maybe help people decide if they would like to read a book. I do it so my friends can know if that might be a book they'd like to check out (or have their kids check out). I kind of just do it for me and hope in some way I can help other people.

Imagine my surprise when the actual author of TimeRiders, Alex Scarrow, commented on my post! Eek!! It was exciting - and I kind of felt bad - because I liked the book, but didn't love it. It made me wish I had loved it so I could have written some glowing comments. I still think it's exciting and since Mr. Scarrow was nice enough to comment I will read the next book and see if I like it better.

Most importantly, it made me realize that anything you put out there, even this little blog with it's 38 followers, can be found and read. Which I always knew, but is still way cool.

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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