Holy Cow! It's the last day of June? Where has this year gone? Oh my....
Thursday means Library Thursday with Lazy Girl Reads!
Before I start with what I checked out this week I'd like to say I cleared my over-crowded library slate. Yes, I returned every book, read or unread, with the exception of one - and started fresh. I was starting to feel overwhelmed with the amount of books I had checked out!
The one book I kept was Un Lun Dun by China Mieville
The other books I checked out were -
Squirrel Meets Chipmunk by David Sederis (Audio Book)
Holes by Louis Sachar
Naughty Neighbor by Janet Evanovich
To Cut a Long Story Short by Jeffrey Archer
Sorry I'm being lame and didn't do pictures today! Don't forget to link up and see what everyone else got from the library this week!
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown