Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Blog Hops

It's been more than a couple weeks since I've participated in these fun hops. I visit the blogs, I've just not posted.

So first, we're going to go with Crazy-For-Books Book Blogger Hop. This week it's being hosted by Lori's Reading Corner.

Today's question - Who's the one author you're dying to meet?

It's hard to narrow this down to just one, but if I had to choose (and I do!) I would have to say Steve Berry. I love his books and would love to chat with him about all his travels researching the history he includes in each one.

Next is Follow Friday hosted by Parajunkee's View.

Today the question is - The magic book fairy pops out of your cereal box and says "You and your favorite character (from a book of course) can switch places!" Who are you going to switch with?

Another hard one because I don't really have a favorite. I think I would switch places with Hermoine Granger. She's smart and a witch. And she gets to hang out with some pretty cool people too.

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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