Saturday, June 11, 2011

~Book Review~ South Carolina Ghosts from the Coast to the Mountains

Who and What: South Carolina Ghosts from the Coast to the Mountains by Nancy Roberts; Paperback; ISBN 0-87249-429-2

What it's about: Eighteen stories based upon actual events including the famous Gray Man of Pawley's Island, Alice of Murrells Inlet, and the hitchhiker of Hwy 107. (goodreads)

What I thought: Well, I love all things paranormal - so I thought this book would be a great change from my normal cozies and thrillers. The writing though left me cold. The stories could have been really interesting but the author had no emotion in her writing. Normally you would expect pictures that show shadowy blobs, black mists, and the like. While this book has a few pictures none of them are of the ilk normally found in books of this genre. I wasn't drawn to looking to see if I could make something out. They were just, well, pictures. Overall, it was a disappointment.

Would I recommend this book? Nope. Not unless you are a hard core paranormal buff who hasn't heard any of these stories before.

Where I got it: The Library

Challenges this book counts towards: 100 Books in a Year; 2011 Support Your Local Library Challenge

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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