Saturday, April 9, 2011

Reading Challenges Update

Yes, I have a paper due on Monday so it's time for my procrastination post - reading challenges update! Seriously, you all know you wanted to know anyway!

Show me the Free Reading Challenge
I have listed all the free eBooks I've downloaded for this one. That's a good thing, because sometimes I can't remember which ones were free and which ones I paid for. I've finished 3 out of 12 for this challenge.

Mystery and Suspense Reading Challenge
Big surprise - I've finished 11 out of 12. The book I'm currently reading doesn't qualify, but the next one will! I'm hoping to have this challenge finished by the end of the month.

Audio Book Challenge
I just started this one, but have managed to listen to 2 out of 12 books. I started my third today, but since I only listen in the car who knows when it will be finished. I've listed a couple of the books I've checked out from the library because I don't think I'll be able to finish them before they are due and I don't want to forget what I picked!

A to Z Reading Challenge
This one is proving to be harder than I thought, but I have managed 10 out of 26. Pretty good I think, considering I read a lot of books that start with the letter 'C'. I don't know why. It's weird, I know.

100 Books in a Year Reading Challenge
According to Goodreads I'm 12 books behind on this one. I knew it was a huge goal when I set it, but I don't need to be reminded that I'm not succeeding very well - sheesh! I've finished 13 out of 100. I also double checked to see if audiobooks would count, yeah, they don't - but that's ok. I'm still going to plug away and try to reach the ever elusive 100 books! Next year I will probably look for a "beat yourself" challenge or something.

As always, current stats can be seen here.

Now I guess I'll go finish that paper.

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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