Sunday, April 10, 2011

National Library Week

Starting today, April 10th it's National Library Week.

Anyone who reads this blog knows I love my library. I could live in that place. I've always loved books and reading, and growing up the library was my place to go. I was the nerd child who waited impatiently every week during the summer for the book mobile. Even that small bus full of books was a haven for me.

If you have never visited your local library, shame on you! This is this week to go. Get that library card, wander through the shelves, smell the books. You will become addicted, I promise.

Check out what your library has to offer. I know our library offers free computer classes to learn windows software. Did you get that? FREE. Programs for the kids, movie nights, book clubs - our small town library offers all these programs. I would probably have an aneurism if I lived in Chicago or New York!

Last week I heard a rumor that someday libraries will become obsolete because of all the eBooks. I hope not. As much as I love my Kobo, I cannot imagine not having a book to hold and read.

If you have books you don't want anymore, donate them to your library. Let someone else enjoy them.

Support your library - this is the perfect week to start!

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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