Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Gingerbread Cookies and Gunshots by Leslie Meier - audiobook review

Remember this audiobook I got from the library?

The final offering on the CD was Gingerbread Cookies and Gunshots by Leslie Meier. Have no doubt - I love Leslie Meier and the Lucy Stone Mystery Series. Come on, that's why I picked this one up really.

I enjoyed the performer on this one. She did a good job of varying her voice so I knew who was speaking all the time. I finally figured out that this is important when you can't see the printed words! Sometimes I would find myself sitting in the driveway or parking lot just listening to what was going to happen next. I guess that's the equivalent of not being able to put a book down.

Overall I enjoyed all the stories in this collection - just some more than others!

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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