Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Book Blog Hops 4.15.11

I'm pretty sure I missed these last week. But I'm back for now so let's do this thing!

Crazy-for-Books is my first link up. She hosts the Book Blogger Hop.

Book Blogger Hop

This weeks question - "Pick a character from a book you are currently reading or have just finished reading and tell us about him/her."

I just (seriously, like an hour ago) finished reading Dead Weight by Batt Humphreys. There are many real and a few fictional characters in the book, I'm going to tell you about Miss Randy. A Charleston transplant from New Orleans, Miss Randy runs some of the brothels in the city. She is a decent person though, and throughout the book you get to see her compassion. She is also a woman - so she has some cunning and a few tricks up her sleeve. I really ended up liking her a lot. She seemed like a real person - which is the point of good writing, isn't it?

Next up we have Follow Friday hosted by Parajunkee.

Her question this week - "Do you have anyone that you can discuss books with IRL? Tell us about him/her."

Well, as far as face-to-face there is one - that would be Nicole. Everyone thinks we are sisters, which is cool. And we have pretty similar tastes in books. I lean more to the mystery than she does though. Plus she is willing to branch out a little more than I am. She recommended The Kite Runner to me and I loved that book. I have real life friends I discuss books with - but since we are a military bunch it's not face to face. But mostly, I read the blogs because there are not a lot of readers in my life.

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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