I've always been a fan of the library. Since I was young girl, waiting (im)patiently for the book mobile during summer break. Books that are the nice hard covers, that are free? Dang, what's not to love? But lately the library and I have grown apart.
The last time I was in there was about a month ago - on a mission - looking for a book for my English paper. I went to the book, checked it out, and went home. No browsing, no wandering aimlessly through the shelves of goodness. In and out in under 5. Sad.
But yesterday, I had to return said book. And I was just going to drive by and throw it in the drop box. But I didn't ~ I went in. And spent close to 40 minutes wandering around looking for books that I've seen on the various reading blogs I follow.
I finally decided on two - yes only two. Because I do still have school, and I don't have as much time to just read (which breaks my heart) and I went to check them out. And the Librarian says "You never picked up The Venetian Betrayal - let me get that for you."
People, I wait listed that book a long time ago - and they called when the flu was running around my house to come get it - but I couldn't. And they still had it for me. Amazing.
And that is why I {heart} my library...
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown