Thursday, June 16, 2011

Oh No!

I found out that my Borders (Waldens) is closing. This is the only bookstore in town. How annoying and frustrating. I love to go in there and wander around, find new books, grab something that catches my fancy. Now with an hour drive to the nearest bookstore I won't be able to wander randomly nearly as long as I'd like to. *sigh* On the good side - they have to get rid of all those books, right? Maybe there will be a kick ass sale....

In other related annoying book news - yesterday I saw a book that someone was reading (on the WWW Wednesday blog hop) that sounds exactly like my kind of book. It's called Diavolino by Steve Emmett. So, I began my search -, the library, paperback swap, Kobo - nothing. Then I went to Amazon - and they have it - but just for the Kindle. Barnes and Noble - only for the Nook. *sigh again* I have a Kobo folks - and I really want to read this book. Frustrating. If anyone has seen or heard of this book in another form please let me know!

I had to vent my new book frustrations - have a great evening!

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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