I know, you all are thinking "Stop already with the challenges!" but I couldn't help myself, this one seems like so much fun.
I belong to the Cozy Mysteries group on Goodreads. I mostly lurk and get tips on great cozies from the members. I do that with blogs too. So, what made me decide to actually participate in something? Well, like I said it seemed like fun.
The challenge is uncommon holidays in June and you read a book that matches that odd holiday. It's all readers choice and since I have a stack of library books screaming at me I was able to pick most of my choices from that stack. Sort of like killing two birds with one stone.
So here are the holidays and the books I've chosen:
June 1st - Flip a Coin Day - choose two books and flip a coin to see which one you'll read. I had Icing Ivy and Yankee Doodle Dead next on my stack - Yankee Doodle Dead by Carolyn Hart won the toss.
June 8th - Best Friends Day - pick a book off one your Goodreads friends shelf. I picked Espresso Shot by Cleo Coyle from Jess McC's shelf. She is a bloggy friend and fellow military wife. Her blog is Just a Geek Named Jess - you should check it out. I have this one already checked out from the library too.
June 8th - Name Your Poison Day - Choose a book that has 'poison' in the title or mentioned in the book. I didn't have one these from the library so I chose Sweet Poison by Ellen Hart. I downloaded it to my Kobo.
June 18th - National Splurge Day - Read the most recent mystery book you bought. Since I buy mine in groups I got to pick from the last group I bought and chose Devil's Food Cake Murder by Joanne Fluke.
June 28th - Paul Bunyan Day - Read a book that's 400 or more pages (because Paul Bunyan was huge) or that has a blue cover in honor of Babe, the big blue ox. I went the blue cover route and picked it from my library stack - Ghost at Work by Carolyn Hart.
Other than choosing my own books (which was a blast) you can read them in any order - as long as you read them in June. I already finished Yankee Doodle Dead and I've started Sweet Poison. Also, it lets me focus on a different challenge for the month instead of the ones I have on my challenge page. A little mini break because that 100 Books in a Year Challenge is making me all stressed out!
~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown