Tuesday, June 7, 2011

~Book Review~ Ghost at Work

who and what: Ghost at Work by Carolyn Hart; Hardcover Edition; ISBN 978-0-06-087436-0; Book 1 in the Baily Ruth Series

what it's about: Bailey Ruth Raeburn has always been great at solving mysteries. Why should a little thing like her death change anything? In fact, being dead gives her more of an opportunity to be on top of events. Bailey Ruth is delighted that her unique position as a ghost makes it possible for her to lend a helping hand, sometimes seen and sometimes not. And if anybody needs a little help, it's Kathleen, the pastor's wife. There's a dead man on her porch, and once the body is discovered, the pastor is sure to become a suspect. 

Uncharitable people might call it meddling, but Bailey Ruth knows Kathleen needs her help! As a member of Heaven's Department of Good Intentions, Bailey Ruth goes back to earth to extricate Kathleen from a dire situation. If Bailey Ruth has to bend a few rules to help Kathleen save her family, Wiggins, her fussbudget supervisor, will make sure it all turns out right in the end. (goodreads)

what I thought: Oh my goodness - I really did not like this book. I never felt any connection to the characters at all. I thought the idea was very good, and I read one of Carolyn Hart's 'Death on Demand' series and enjoyed it very much but I just couldn't get into this one. I wish I could put my finger on exactly why I didn't enjoy it, but I think it was just a little bit of everything. At least I finished it *whew* but I won't be reading any more in this series.

where I got it: Let's all say it together "The Library"

challenges this counts towards: 2011 Support Your Local Library Challenge; 100 Books in a Year Challenge

Goodreads June mini challenge 2/5 

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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