Wednesday, May 25, 2011

~Review~ Heaven in High Gear by Joan Brady

What and Who: Heaven in High Gear by Joan Brady, Hardcover Edition, ISBN 9780671007720

What it's about: Brady's follow-up to her bestselling "God on a Harley" picks up where that entertaining first novel left off--in a raucous New Jersey bar, where heroine Heather Hurley's life is about to change radically. (goodreads)

What I thought about it: It wasn't bad. What it was is weird. I'm not bashing God or anything - don't get me wrong here - but the way it was written was kind of creepy. The author made it sound like Heather was physically attracted to God, which is just wrong to me. Also, as is usual with any evangelical type writing, I could have done without the bashing of the Catholic Church. We are Christians who believe in God too - I wish people would quit making it sound like that's not true. It's annoying and frustrating. 

What I give it: Normally any book I finish in a day would be a 4 or 5, but I just can't get around the weirdness of the physical attraction thing and the bashing of the Church. While I didn't exactly hate it, it was less than a "just a ok" so a 2.5.

Where I got it: The library, natch

Challenges this book counts towards: 2011 Support Your Local Library Challenge; 100 Books in a Year Challenge

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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