I'm a sucker for books with history in them. Or based on some fragment of history. I love Russian the best but my second favorite is Egyptian, so I had to get this. I'm learning that a lot of the libraries around here don't offer many books like this. It went straight on my shelf - right now I have a ton of library books to read!
I picked this one because I read another book by the author that I liked. This is the first one in that series - another that my library (or any in the consortium) didn't have. Weird. Does that mean it's suckish? Why have some in a series and not others? Hmm good questions for the librarians.
See, I was good! Well, actually I was bad because I hit Borders and well, that would be such a long post! I also got one from Amazon. I need to start school again ASAP I never had time to browse books when I was in class!

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown