Friday, May 13, 2011

A Couple of Reviews

Well, not really reviews - you know how I do this. Here's what I thought of the following books:

Xone of Contention by Piers Anthony - This was my foray into Science Fiction to try and get an 'X' book for my A to Z reading challenge. It didn't work out so well. As a matter of fact, I had to change my rating system to include a 'Didn't Finish' category. I tried, I really did - but after slogging my way through the first two chapters I had to quit. I'm still on the look out for any books titled 'X' if anyone has any suggestions at all!

So, this book gets a 1 - Did not finish

The Kingdom Keepers (Disney After Dark) - OK, I loved this book. I read it in about three days - it would have been less, but I was monitoring end of year testing at Zach's school - so for four hours a day I was there. I love Disney and we've been to DisneyWorld several times, so it was fun knowing what they were talking about. Also, the added excitement of knowing that maybe, just maybe, those animatronic people are real! I know I've always thought that they hang out in the parks after dark, ever since my first trip to DisneyLand! Anyway, I thought it was great and I highly recommend it. It's a YA book - but it's still entertaining enough even for this 43 year old.

I'm giving this book my first new 5 - I loved it!

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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