Thursday, April 28, 2011

Library Thursday Blog Hop

This wonderful hop is hosted by Lazy Girl Reads. Seriously, more people need to get on board with this one - are there only three people in the blog world who actually go to the library? Oh, that would be so sad. And I know that's not the case! O.K. so off the soap box - I did go to my library this week - and checked out more books to add to the growing pile of "running out of renewals"! You all know what those are - I know I'm not the only serial renewer!

So, what did I get?

Xone of Contention by Peirs Anthony
Yes, it's a Science Fiction book - and I don't think I've ever read one of those. Ever. But I checked this out for one reason only - I needed an 'X' book for my A to Z challenge. I know, it's silly to check out a book for a letter of the alphabet. I had to do it anyway. Who knows, maybe I'll discover I love science fiction...

The Kingdom Keepers by Ridley Pearson
Sorry for the crappy picture. The cover was all hologramy and shiny. I actually picked this one up for the boy - but when he saw it was "really huge" (it's really not though) I figured I could read it. It takes place at Disney so I'm in - I love Disney!

Break In by Dick Francis
One of the groups I belong to on Goodreads is reading this book for May. I've never read a book with a group before (by choice - I mean yes, in High School when we had to read Great Expectations but that doesn't count!) so I thought I would try. Sad thing is, I probably won't get to it in May - I have a stack of other books I still need to read.

Oh button - I almost forgot the button! Link up library going people! 

Why is blogger making it impossible for me to space stuff right today? Urg! Sorry for the weirdness folks!

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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