Thursday, April 21, 2011

Library Thursday Blog Hop

Lazy Girl Reads hosts this hop on Thursdays. It's very cool because sometimes people post pictures of their local library and we all know, the library rocks. If you check out this link right here, all the rules are posted.

This week I didn't make it to the public library. Boo! I did make it to the library at the University though, because I'm writing a paper and they had some books I needed for resource material. Not a very exciting reason to head to my favorite place *sigh*. The library at the University looks cool, but I couldn't find a picture of it.

I did check out a couple books though. Don't judge me - remember - I'm writing a paper!

Oh yeah, don't judge the pictures - I snapped them quick with photo booth!

 Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany
by Earle Rice Jr
Backwards - the way it should be

The Mind of Adolf Hitler
by Walter C. Langer
also backwards, natch

Check out the other blogs and by all means visit your library dangit!

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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