Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday Book Blog Hops 4.22.11

Friday Blog Hop Time!  Jennifer at Crazy-for-Books hosts the Book Blogger Hop -

Book Blogger Hop

This weeks question - If you find a book you love, do you hunt down other books by the same author?

Well, of course I do.  Sometimes I'm disappointed, but most of the time if the first book I pick up is one that I enjoyed I will enjoy all the books, although maybe not equally.  A few of my now favorite authors who I found randomly are Steve Berry, Douglas Preston, Kathy Reichs.  I first picked up their books because the titles caught my eye at the library.

Rachel at Parajunkee's View hosts Friday Follow.

This weeks question - What is on your current playlist right now?

How sad, I don't have a playlist.  I rarely listen to music in the car, not that I don't love music - but the car is my quiet time, and sometimes I'll listen to my iTunes randomly if I'm working on the computer. That doesn't happen very often though because I get distracted. If I do listen to music in the car it's either one of my Daughtry CD's or the rock station on the radio. 

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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