Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Book Blog Hops 3.25.11

So glad it's Friday! 
Today's first hop is hosted by Crazy-for-Books

Book Blogger Hop

Today's question -
If you could physically put yourself into a book or series... which one would it be and why?

Great question! A hard one too. I would have to say I would like to be in the Little House books. Those were my first favorites and I still think it would be awesome to live in the "pioneer days".  Although, I think I'd rather live in town than out on the homestead working my butt off for 20 hours a day!

Now it's time for Follow Friday hosted by Parajunkee

Today's Fun - 
Inspired by the inane twitter trend of #100factsaboutme give us five book related silly facts about you.

Wow - another hard one. Let's see what I can think of...

1. I'm obsessed with picking books to read. I have hundreds on my eReader and shelves full but I still have to go the library at least once a week and get some to read from there too. I'll never be able to read all of them.

2. I never read new releases. The hype is too much and I think I'll be disappointed. I usually wait about a year before I read anything 'new'.

3. I don't keep my books. *GASP* If I've bought books, after I read them I donate them to the library.

4. I never reread books. That's why I don't feel obligated to keep them.

5. I always read a cozy mystery (or two!) after reading a big ass book. Yes, even when it's a series and no, I don't know why!

Join the book hopping fun and have a great weekend!

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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