Saturday, May 28, 2011

~Review~ Missing Marlene by Evan Marshall

I'm sure there are rules about photographing stuff
I don't know those rules!
Who and What - Missing Marlene by Evan Marshall; Hardcover Edition; ISBN 9781575664200

What it's about - This delightful new series introduces Jane Stuart, a widowed young mother and literary agent, and Winky, her tortoiseshell cat who has a nose for trouble.
     The last thing a working mom like Jane needs is a call from her young son's school saying Marlene, his nanny, never arrived to pick him up. It looks as if the pretty nineteen-year-old has left without giving notice, and no one seems to know where she's gone. Could the young nanny have met with foul play?
     Juggling book deals, rival agents, and a rocky romance with a handsome author, Jane begins to uncover Marlene's shocking secret life. As she discovers more evidence that Marlene's innocence died long ago, Winky has a critical clue that could reveal if a killer came in on little cat feet...and if that same killer is getting ready to strike again. (goodreads)

What I thought about it - OK first it was published in 1999 - so it's not exactly new, but it was an entertaining read. I read the very last one in this series first (because I liked the cover) and I liked it, so I thought I'd just read the rest, from the beginning, like a normal person. The only thing that really bothers me is Jane really guilt trips herself the whole time. But other than that I liked it. Oh and I'm a nut for alliteration so I love that all the titles, the last one I read was Crushing Crystal. They're all like that!

How I rate it - a 4; I liked it.

Where I got it - This was the first book I requested from Paperback Swap.

Challenge this counts towards - 100 Books in a Year Challenge

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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