Thursday, March 3, 2011

30 Days of Books - Day 23

Today's Topic - Most Annoying Character Ever

ooo  I have more than one so I'll share!

Nellie Olson from the Little House Books.
Sookie Stackhouse from the Southern Vampire Series
Edward Cullen from, well, I guess we all know he's from Twilight

Why I find them annoying - anyone who remembers Nellie needs no reason.  Look around any public place today, I consider most of those kids "Nellie Olson's".

Sookie bothers me because I personally hate the fact that she ended up with Eric.  I find him annoying too - but she, well, I don't know - pick Sam or Bill anyone but Eric!

I don't understand Edward.  You love her, you leave her, you won't turn her, but then you do.  Ugh!  You have more problems making decisions than most women I know!!  I don't really even get the whole 'team Edward' thing either.  Really???  Over the hotness that's Jacob?  Um, yeah.....

~ Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. ~ Author Unknown
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